Why You Need the Services of a Reliable Pentest Company in Malaysia

Cyber-attacks are highly prevalent nowadays. The attacks have a significant effect on the IT infrastructure. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to perform systematic vulnerability scan and penetration testing to identify the vulnerabilities and make sure that the cyber controls work in the right manner.  The secret is to make sure that you are hiring the right pentest company in Malaysia.

There is a long list of penetration test companies in Malaysia that can help you out. However, it is wise to consult brands if you want to get reliable and good testing. The big companies know the pentester company that does the best job. Here are some reasons that will motivate you to use crest pentest Malaysia services.

 swift security assessment service malaysia

  1. Detects and Arrays Security Threats Effectively

When you use a reliable pentest company in Malaysia, it will estimate the ability of your organization to guars its endpoints, networks, users, and applications from the outer and inner attempts. It will help you discover any loopholes in your security controls so as to attain unapproved and privileged entry to protect your assets.

The outcomes from these tests will settle the threats that are posed by processes that are out of order or specific security vulnerabilities. It allows security professionals and IT management to put in place the necessary redemption efforts.

After using the services from Le-Global, you can antedate upcoming security threats more effectively. You will also avoid unauthorized access to the fundamental information of your organization. Undertaking comprehensive and regular pen tests will help you to achieve acute systems in your workplace.

 swift security assessment malaysia

  1. Code Vulnerabilities in Great Ways

Swift security assessment services provide comprehensive information on vulnerable and real security dangers reliably. The penetration testing company will proactively diagnose the vulnerabilities that are extremely severe and the ones that are not worth mentioning.

The information will allow your company to organize for remediation ingeniously, allocate security resources, and perform important security patches proficiently. It will give you these critical insights anywhere and at any time. The professionals carry out a source code review to generate all this essential information.

  1. Circumvent the Degree of Network Downtime

The IT remediation efforts from convalescing security defects can cost your company a lot of money. Most brands use app penetration testing to carry out their work and this comes at a cost. It makes use of wireless network penetration in Malaysia. Security threats can result in discouraged trade allies, reduced profits, legal activities, discouraged trade associates, and plunged customer protection, retention programs, and employee productivity. Top pentester service provider proactively distinguishes and address threats to security attacks and breaches in advance. It helps in avoiding all the above hitches.

 pentester services malaysia

  1. Protects Company Image and Customer Trustworthiness

Failing to save customer statistic for even a single time can be so costly to your organization. It will ruin the image of your brand in the market and reduce the volume of sales. Even though the security testing service seems to be a bit expensive, it will help you prevent the loss of data which may keep the reputation and reliability of your brand at stake.

You need a reliable brand that uses web app penetration test in Malaysia. You can be sure of getting successful and reliable services. It is better to pay to these brands instead of meeting the cost of lost data. Each business should use this strategy in their daily operations.

Quick Guide on Buying New Property in KL

Property investment definitely is a lucrative market and a great retirement plan if well-executed and planned. However, the idea of property investment is not as simple as purchasing Cheras new property, which is in a prime spot and hoping that the price will appreciate. Check out the basic of property investment that you should here.

 penang property for sale

Pros & Cons of Buying Property

Before dive into more detail about the property, let’s take a look of the pros and cons of buying a new property in KL.

Well, the new developments are usually become the choice for the buyer with less capital, as they will be entitled to various attractive freebies offered by the property developer.

Depending on the developer itself, this is some of the usual freebies that offered as below:

  • Rebate
  • Free Down Payment
  • Free Stamp Duty
  • Free Legal Fees

4 Main Property Buying Criteria

Once you know your budget, the nest thing you will need to do is to find a new condominium for sale in Selangor that is suitable to your requirement – whether you wish to buy for investment or for your own residing home.

Below are a set of main criteria that you should look into when purchasing the property.

 service residence kuala lumpur

1. Location

Whether you are a seasoned or amateur property buyer, you should know there is a difference in purchasing for own stay or for investment purpose. For instance, if the Bangi new property for sale has been purchased for investment, it should have its own target audience.

Will they be families, bachelors or perhaps high-school students? Should the location be in the vicinity of public transport or public amenities? If you are purchasing for your own stay, you may want to be located in a more secluded area away from the hustle-bustle city lifestyle. For more information, check out our website to find out more.

2. Proximity to Amenities & Workplace

If you are an office worker or business entrepreneurs, you should purchase a new property in Sentul, that is easily accessible to the highway. This will eliminate the hassle for the long commute daily, and you don’t wish to be late to your office, right?

However, if you are a buyer that is looking for a high potential return in property, you can opt to purchase a property that is close to the high-density workplace such as the KLCC. This surely will ensure a steady flow of renters.

 factory for sale johor bahru

3. Facilities

Depending on the buyer, facilities sometimes play a significant role in the purchase of a development. Some of the family buying a serviced residence in KL for own stay may want the facility such as a gym or nursery for their children.

Besides, the student might not be interested as their need is only a room to sleep-in. All they care is the convenient and comfortability of the room.

4. Education Institutions

Next, the property which in the vicinity of education institution often been overlooked by a property investor. This is because the presence of an educational institution is crucial for buyers with the intent to own stay, as they need a learning hub for their children.

On the other hand, if the purchasing of property is for investment, the buyer might want to take note of the institution of higher education in the area if they are targeting the student rental market.

Basic to Finding the Perfect Event Venue in KL

Finding the perfect event venue Kuala Lumpur can be a daunting and challenging task, even for the most seasoned event organizers.

In the recent study on the event planning industry, the stats show that nearly 400 professional event organizers, the majority of the planners spend most of their budget on the event venue.

Obviously, most of the event venues are often expensive, and this is because the venue has the ability to dramatically leverage the overall attendee experience.

Therefore, as a professional organizer, you should brush up on a few basics in finding the right event space KL.

 meeting room in kuala lumpur

1. Understand Your Main Objective

Whether you are planning to have a private function venue, tradeshow or a meetup, it is always essential, to begin with, a clear goal in mind.

Is the purpose of the event to educate the attendees, provide them with amazing networking experiences, introduce the attendees to new service providers or something else?

It is always ideal to come up with a reason for the event as this will help you to select a venue that aligns with your overarching event goals.

Nevertheless, the event space should support the results that you would like to achieve. If one of your goals is to increase the exposure for your sponsor, then choosing a venue that features a welcome area could accommodate a sponsor booth would be a brilliant idea.

 private function venue in kl

2. Review Existing Data

If you have used event planning software to organize the events, you should have enough data to help you to understand what was effective and what was not.

For instance, you know the attendees had great networking experience, then the venue that you choose like a training room for rent should be good to use again.

You could gather some insight by surveying event attendees during the previous events and have the data about how they prefer the event. If you are planning a similar event, you can use this polling data to determine what venue might be the best.

3. Create an Interior Design Plan

For sure, innovation and progress are sparked by the spaces that inspire and encourage collaboration.

If the key to success for an event is audience participation, the event organizers should be inspired to search and create spaces that could spark creativity and interaction between the attendees.

 training room for rent in kl

Here are some of the actionable interior design tips that you could consider when designing and customizing your own meeting room.

·      Try Using Pinterest

Running out of ideas? A virtual photo-sharing website like Pinterest could allow you to make and manage photo collections, that contains thousands of inspirational interior design ideas for event organizers.

After keying in the topic of choice, you can develop the idea boards to gather and organize interior design ideas for function hall for rent.

·      Lighting

Without a doubt, lighting plays a major role in event planning as it can make or break the mood of the event.  It is also can be deployed to help drive the event networking, or to focus attendees on a particular part of your event.

Nonetheless, managing the color and different intensities of lighting effectively could help to highlight the important elements of your event, while supporting the ambiance and theme.

·      Furniture

When it comes to furniture, consider how much you want your guest to interact in a meeting room for rent in KL.

If you are organizing an event in an outdoor space, the bar tables and chairs can encourage mingling, while small seating areas could stimulate more intimate conversations.

Rawatan Untuk Ketidaksuburan: Apa Itu IVF di Malaysia

Apa itu IVF? Persenyawaan In Vitro atau lebih dikenali IVF merupakan rawatan kesuburan terkenal. IVF atau “bayi tabung uji” merupakan prosedur rawatan yang memerlukan telur disenyawakan dengan sperma di dalam makmal untuk menghasilkan embrio.

Kemudian, embrio tersebut akan dimasukkan ke dalam rahim wanita. Kaedah perubatan IVF boleh dijalankan dengan mendapatkan telur daripada wanita dan sperma daripada lelaki.

Berikut merupakan fakta-fakta dan tips IVF yang perlu anda ketahui sebelum menjalani IVF di Malaysia.

 ivf berjaya

Masalah Ketidaksuburan Yang Boleh Dirawat Dengan IVF

Rawatan IVF mungkin boleh dijadikan salah satu jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah kesuburan anda, jika anda atau pasangan anda mengalami masalah kesuburan seperti kiraan sperma yang rendah, endometriosis, gangguan ovulasi, masalah di rahium atau tiub falapio dan masalah ketidaksuburan lain yang tidak dapat dijelaskan.

Bagaimana Rawatan IVF Membantu?

Pada mulanya, wanita yang mempunyai masalah kesuburan akan menjalani terapi hormon di klinik rawatan kesuburan dan disuntik ke dalam urat untuk merangsang pembentukan beberapa folikel di dalam ovari.

Kemudian, folikel yang matang akan dikumpulkan dan disenyawakan dalam tabung uji dan dipantau rapi. Selepas pembentukan embrio, satu atau lebih embrio akan dipindahkan ke dalam rahim melalui faraj isteri.

 tips ivf berjaya

Kadar Kejayaan IVF

Seterusnya, proses IVF berjaya bergantung kepada pelbagai elemen, seperti sejauh mana prosedur tersebit dilakukan, umur wanita dan kesihatan serta punca ketidaksuburan.

Secara amnya, kadar kehamilan adalah 67% daripada semua kitaran dan 60% adalah daripada kitaran yang menghasilkan kelahiran hidup untuk wanita yang berusia bawah umur 35 tahun.

Untuk pengetahuan anda, kemerosotan kadar kejayaan rawatan kesuburan bergantung kepada usia wanita dan bermula daripada kira-kira usia 30 tahun.

Apa Yang Berlaku Kepada Embrio Yang Tidak Digunakan?

Seterusnya, beberapa embrio yang dipindahkan ke dalam rahim ibu boleh meningkatkan peluang konsepsi.

Dengan kata lain, sepanjang pengalaman IVF, anda juga mempunyai peluang kehamilan kembar yang tinggi. Namun, ini hanya menambahkan risiko kepada ibu dan bayi tersebut.

Dalam kes ini, pengurangan janin boleh menjadi satu pilihan yang susah untuk setiap pasangan. Baik dari segi etika dan emosi mereka, jadi sesetengah pasangan boleh membuat pilihan dengan pemindahan hanya satu embrio sahaja. oleh itu, embrio yang selebihnya akan dibekukan untuk kegunaan kemudian hari.

 proses ivf berjaya

Kos Dan Kesan Sampingan

Harga IVF di Malaysia mungkin berbeza mengikut lokasi pusat rawatan, perubatan dan polisi insurans anda.

Terdapat beberapa kesan sampingan daripada rawatan IVF, di mana anda akan mengalami kekejangan ringan, kembung, dan sedikit perdarahan selepas prosedur IVF dilakukan.

Walaubagaimanapun, jika anda mengalami pendarahan faraj, kencing berdarah, deman panas atau sakit pelvis, anda disarankan segera berjumpa doktor anda.

Selalunya, prosedur rawatan IVF dijadikan pilihan terakhir untuk pasangan yang mempunyai masalah kesuburan selepas mereka gagal dalam rawatan seperti perubatan, pembedahan dan IUI.

Meskipun IVF merupakan salah satu kaedah yang paling berkesan untuk hamil, namun proses ini perlu masa yang panjang dan kos yang mahal.

Sebelum menjalani rawatan IVF, pastikan anda telah mendapatkan nasihat doktor dahulu, ketahui semua pilihan yang anda ada serta bersedia dari segi kewangan dan emosi kerana hampir semua pasangan tidak berjaya pada percubaan pertama mereka.

Adakah Rawatan IVF Berisiko?

Bayi-bayi yang dilahirkan melalui kaedah IVF, IUI atau ICSI tidak mengalami apa-apa masalah kesihatan kerana sperma dan ovum disenyawakan di luar tetapi proses pembesaran berjalan seperti biasa di dalam rahim.

Seperti anda ketahui itu, rawatan IVF biasanya akan meningkatkan potensi kehamilan kembar atau kehamilan luar rahim. Namun, ini tidak perlu dijadikan satu kerisauan kera anda akan dipantau dengan teliti oleh doktor anda.

5 Benefits of Traveling To Mantanani Resort Kota Kinabalu

When was the last time you had traveled and relax? It is not a secret anymore that traveling to Pulau Mantanani has so many benefits to your health and well-being.

Traveling the world isn’t just exciting and fun, there is ample research that suggests constant traveling to Mantanani island could be highly beneficial for your physical, emotional and mental health as well.

There are plenty of things that you could gain from exploring different places such as new experiences, new stories, and new friends.

 things to do in kota kinabalu

When you are exploring to places like Pulau Mantanani Kota Belud, you will get a better understanding of how society works, that including culture, background, and history.

Let’s dive in and take a look at some of the health benefits that researchers have explored and verified scientifically on getting away to Mantanani Resort.

1. Travel Relieves Stress & Boosts Mental Health

According to the joint study from by travel agency, traveling to the best Kota Kinabalu island keeps you healthier, whether physical or mentally.

Therefore, taking your trip to Mantanani Island package can take you out of your comfort zone and blend into new surroundings and experiences.

On top of that, it is the ideal getaway where you enjoy various things to do in KK and unwind the stress on your shoulder and escape from all of the hectic life.

So, planning a trip to Pulau Mantanani Kota Belud could give you a fantastic effect on your body, which gives you a sense of rewarding and boost happiness.

From meeting new people along the journey and adapting to the whole brand-new environment, it makes you be more globally and culturally aware. Of course, this helps you to keep your mind shape and increase the productivity that stimulates personal growth.

 best island in kota kinabalu

2. Travel Whips You into Shape

From how you want to be gained from the Pulau Mantanani trip, this truly depends on the nature of your travels. Nevertheless, one of the benefits of traveling is that travel could allow you to escalate your fitness routines.

Basically, when you are traveling to Mantanani island, you are more active than just sitting idly on the office chair all day long.

In fact, there are numerous things to do in Kota Kinabalu where water sport activities like swimming, snorkeling, kayaking or scuba diving could help to elevate your cardiovascular and boost fitness.

3. A Cure for Insomnia

For some people who are having a hard time sleeping mixed with high stress could be a toxic mixture to your mental state.

Thus, traveling and experiencing the lifestyle at the best island in Kota Kinabalu could be the best remedy to give you peace of mind that you desired. It is the best way where it helps the emotionally depressed people to escape from the hectic life.

4. Enhance Social and Communication Skills

Another significant benefit of traveling to Mantanani resort is that you learn how to communicate better with other people.

Hence, brushing up your social skills and knowledge on the most commonly used phrases or questions that could help you to reach out and relate with the locals.

Related image

5. Get to Know Yourself

While traveling to Mantanani Island package, you often will find out yourself being stuck in unfamiliar situations where you would not experience in your daily life.

This could give you a better understanding of yourself triggering your inner survival instinct to react to such circumstances or preparing you for future similar situations.

Bear this in mind; you only live once! So, start packing up your luggage and go travel to different places in Kota Kinabalu and experience some life-altering moments that rarely encounter in real life.

5 Things to Look After in Top PR Agency in Malaysia

Public relations company in Malaysia have come in all sizes and shapes, and they surely don’t come at a low price! It is not just a case that one size fits all when it comes to the PR firms.

Therefore, finding the right PR agency that could meet up your expectations, fit to your culture and help you accomplish the business goals that give you forwards thrust would not something that can be done easily.

As a matter of fact, there are numerous of businesses have ended up in despair and disappointment by the multiple influencer agency in Malaysia as they often could not match up to their expectation in bringing out fruitful results.

 social media influencer malaysia

Here are the five things to look for when assessing which PR agency to hire:

1. Have a Good Track Record

When in the industry that characterized by the larger retainer fees and creativity, having a good reputation is a must! To weed out the talkers from the doers, you need to check out what sort of track record does the PR firm has.

To gauge a feel for its level of experience and ability to produce favorable results, you asked for a referral of which companies it has worked with previously.

If you are seeking for media relations support, ask the PR firm for samples of clips it has secured in publications. If you are required social media assistance, ask for the case studies that point to result. Any top PR agency Malaysia should be able to provide you with the references you can talk to.

 malaysia social media influencer

2. Specialization

To gain optimum exposure of your business brand, finding the right PR firm that specializes in your industry is the key. For instance, if you are a celebrity looking to appear on social media, hiring an influencer marketing-focused PR firm will be the best choice.

Having a specialization will help to understand your offerings and ramp up more quickly in doing promotion and influencer marketing. Most importantly, it also means that your account director and PR team will have a mutual relationship with the reporters at the publications where you wish to be featured.

3. Transparency

On top of that, there is a reason why many business organizations are hesitated to collaborate with the public relations in Malaysia due to the reason of PR firm often get the bad rap for being not being transparent.

Consequently, you should ask the PR company who you are speaking about what you will receive and not accept generalities if you are not feeling comfortable with them. A competent influencer agency should not only competent but also should be transparent and efficient.

 influencer marketing malaysia

4. Highly Result- Orientation

A famous social media influencer in Malaysia from the top PR agency has its own reputation to hold, and you should expect a positive result relatively quickly.

It is understandable that result doesn’t happen overnight, but if many months go by and the firm always giving the same excuses, then it left you the final choice to look for the freelancer social media influencer to promote your brand instead.

5. Customer Centricity

Bear this in mind, even if it is a top PR agency Malaysia, they work for you, not the other way around, so at the very least you should expect to be heard! Pay extra attention to how its reps treat you during the proposal process.

If it is “their way or the highway”, it is better for you to opt for another PR firm. You should choose the one that will be attentive to you and work to achieve your individualized objectives.

Understanding the Fertility Treatment Malaysia

Infertility occurs when a couple could not conceive or have a hard time to conceive after having regular unprotected sex or intercourse.

Based on the study of fertility center Malaysia, infertility involves both parties that could not contribute to conception, or the woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term.

Nonetheless, infertility is often defined as not conceiving after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without having the use of the birth control method. According to the endometriosis specialist, there is around 10 percent of women aged from 16 to 44 years tend to have a difficulty conceiving or staying pregnant in the future.

To determine whether you are infertile or not, infertility specialist will go over your health history, sex habits and medication.


Men will get the physical exam and male infertility treatment, which is a sperm test that determines the health of the sperm. For a woman, the analysis begins with a medical history and physical exam, including exam or fertility test.

There are many causes for infertility, which is about 80% of couples have the ovulation problem, polycystic ovarian syndrome or sperm problem.

Infertility and Artificial Insemination

The artificial insemination is different from egg freezing method; the doctor will insert the sperm directly into the cervix, uterus or fallopian tubes. The most common practice is IUI or also known as intrauterine insemination.


What Type of Infertility Can Artificial Insemination Treat?

Artificial Insemination is one of the conventional methods used by the fertility clinic KL for many various kinds of fertility problems.

For a male who has an infertility problem, the sperm test is usually conducted to determine the fertility of the sperm. In usual cases, a male with infertility problem tends to have low sperm count or when the sperm are lacking the mobility to swim through the cervix and up into the fallopian tubes.

On the other hand, for a female with infertility, it is sometimes done if you have an exceptional condition called endometriosis or having any unusual that affect the fertilization process in reproductive organs.

What Are the Treatments for Infertility?

For a woman with infertility problems, it is treated with fertility drugs and hormones that stimulate the ovulation of the woman or restoring the levels of the hormone. For severe cases, surgery is needed by removing the tissue that is blocking fertility or opening the blocked fallopian tubes.


For men, infertility is treated with antibiotics to treat the infections on the reproductive organs. The hormone treatment also will be used as part of the treatment of fertility in Malaysia if the problem is a low or high level of a particular hormone that disrupts the fertility.

 freezing eggs for women

Nevertheless, infertility in women and men can be treated with assisted reproductive technology, which also known as ART.

  • Intrauterine Insemination – it is also known as IUI treatment where the sperm is collected and placed directly inside the woman’s uterus while she is on the ovulation phrases.
  • In-vitro Fertilization – better known as IVF, where both the sperm and egg are collected and brought together in a lab and placed int eh woman uterus after it is grown for 3 to 5 days.
  • Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) & Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) – The sperm and egg are collected and instantly placed in a fallopian tube. With GIFT, the perm and the effs are placed into the fallopian tubes while ZIFT brought together the sperm and eggs and then the fertilized placed into the tube at 24 hours.

6 Workable Tips How to Work On Event Space KL

When it comes to event management, there are very few rules that are set in stone. This is because every event space in KL is different, where each one requires a unique and exceptional approach.

To be a great event manager, you have to be as flexible as you are organized. This flexibility will allow you to easily adapt, learn as well as the change to make each event better.

 private function venue in kl

Just one word – Don’t just manage an event. Instead, turn all of your event venue KL into a legendary masterpiece with these workable 6 tips for better event management:

1. Set Clear Goals

If you are coordinating with an event planner, they might send a list of objectives to your way. Or else, you need to work with your client to come up with more concrete goals for the event.

On top of that, you need to make sure these goals are as specific as possible. How many questions are you hoping to fit into one question and answer session? How many people will fit into the event hall? Use numbers whenever possible.

2. Start Planning Right Now

In planning a perfect event, the sooner you can confirm the details of an event, the better. You can make a head start by making calls as much as a year in advance in reserving your private function venue in KL and take advantage of the vendors’ early-bird specials.

While it is crucial to make a flexible agreement in the early period, reaching out to the venues and vendors early also will get to save your time, money and cut the hassle down the road.

 function hall for rent in kl

3. Negotiate for Better Price

As a matter of fact, every event is different and vary from each other’s, including the price for the function hall for rent.

Of course, vendors understand this, which is why many offer custom services with flexible pricing. Thus, instead of asking the vendors for a quote, figure out how much you are willing to pay for event space for rent, and offer the vendor between 5-10% less.

Through this way, even if the vendor negotiates up, you still stay on the budget and eventually save you money.

4. Mobilize Your Networks

Next, event management is all about networking. It is important for you to stay in close contact with the venues and vendors that you love to work within the future.

Just when you need them, they will be there for you. You can keep your former colleagues and volunteers close too.

In other words, building an effective staff and volunteer teams quickly and easily by mobilizing your extensive social network in setting up the perfect event space.

 event hall in kl

5. Learn from Every Event

Take some time to debrief with your team after each event. Have a deep discussion on what went well and what didn’t as well as the aspect that needs to be improving.

Having a brainstorming and debriefing sessions on an event space Petaling Jaya is a great way to get people’s suggestion and impression while the event is still fresh to their mind.

6. Follow up With Everyone

Last but not least, you need to follow-up with each of your clients and your team after the event about the event venue in KL. This might seem trivial, but it is a proven method to know what you can do better in the future.

Don’t leave the participants, staff or volunteers hanging after they have packed up and gone home.

You need to constantly follow up with each group by emailing asking about the progression before and after the event regarding wedding venue in KL.

Also, end up with a thank you emails to the venue and vendors who made the small wedding venues possible. Show your gratitude and appreciation towards the hard work that they had put in and you wish to work together again in the future.

Football Fever: The Best Futsal In Singapore

Has the World Cup fever hit you yet?

It is undisputed that soccer has to become popular over time, especially the football season.

It is not about where to play football in Singapore, it is a matter of time for you to get the start right now. Check out Stranger Soccer to find out more.

 jurong futsal

Now, it is the right time for you to bend it like Beckham and become the greatest of all time like Lionel Messi at Futsal court.

Due to the popularity of football, many of futsal court have sprung up like mushrooms.

Whether you are a team supporter or footy enthusiast, everyone just loved football.

To keep the ball rolling, here are some of the best futsal pitches in the city for a quick small-pitch game amongst your mates.

1. Kovan Futsal

Football, also known as the number 1 national sport, which is loved and played by many in the fields or at the void decks.

Everyone knows that football is a team sport which requires you to form a team of people to play the game.

However, if you don’t have 11 players to form a team, futsal would be the next best thing.

Kovan Futsal offers sheltered artificial turf pitches, enclosed within safety nettings, which designed for 5 and 7 side games to be played.

 yishun futsal

The pitches are even equipped with the sound system for you to show off your insane skills to upbeat music and pretend like you are the professional player in YouTube video.

Knowing the Singaporean penchant for midnight haunts, Kovan Futsal operates till 2 a.m.

So, it is still never too late for a quick match.

  1. Yishun Futsal

Yishun Futsal is a multi-recreational center located in Yishun spans the size of about 7 football fields.

It also deemed as one of the Singapore best indoor football arenas.

Yishun Futsal allows the football enthusiasts to dribble like Lionel Messi on a six 5-a-side pitches, rain or shine.

The venue is perfect for a small practice, friendly matches with your friends or with other teams.

kovan futsal

It is a perfect place for you to simply show off that fancy footwork that you have been learning on YouTube.

The football court is open on a regular.

The venue also has equipped with the energetic music that pumping through its speakers to keep the ball rolling.

  1. Khalsa Futsal

Shoot for the skies – Khalsa Futsal is Singapore’s first rooftop pitch perched atop Tanjong Pagar’s Amara Hotel.

Once the grounds for the hotel’s tennis court, the rooftop’s rebirth makes it a more democratic space.

This allowed up to 10 players to experience scoring goals at a higher altitude than other pitches locally.

Slightly costlier than the competition, it is a boon for the CBD weekend warrior looking to get a nearby weekday to fix with their colleagues after work.

Since the studio holds the keys to the pitch at the rooftop, it also can be booked past its regular opening hours with prior notice.

So, for all the night owls, take note!

4. Jurong Futsal

One of the west siders, Jurong Futsal are well-established by a group of avid futsal players that looking to spread the love for the sport.

The venue is decked with two sheltered and two open, UV shaded pitches that fit for 5-a side games with players of all ages.

The venue also provided facilities like bathing facilities, cheap parking, and superb ventilation.

Therefore, everyone could just enjoy and can throw a bit of footy comfortably.

Safety Shower – The Main Laboratory Rules and Safety

Chemistry wet laboratories contain certain inherent hazards and dangers. As lab assistance, you must learn how to work safely with these hazards in order to avert any injuries to yourself and other people around you. Check out Method Malaysia to find out more.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to make a constant effort to think about the potential hazards associated with what you are doing and to consider about how to work safely to minimize these hazards as much as possible.

Here are the following guidelines which are designed to help to understand and act according to the principles behind them to help everybody to stay as safe as possible.

fume hood

Please make sure you are familiar with the safety precautions, hazard warnings and procedures of the experiment on the spill pallet or when you are performing before you start any work. Learn more about spill pallet here.

Bear this in mind, anyone who fails to be governed by the Safety Regulations is subject to the disciplinary action and possible removal from the laboratory and course.

Safety Rules

First and foremost, get yourself familiar with the safety information given to you about each of the experiment. This also includes the manual, safety guidelines or any other posted information provided.

You also are recommended to always wear safety glasses when handling the experiment. Contact lenses are strictly prohibited you also need to wear a face shield when requested by the lab manufacturing assistant.

Next, the footwear must completely cover the foot and heel. You also must wear a lab coat with long pants in all chemistry labs.

You also need to ensure your work area and the common work areas tidy. Please ensure the aisles, safety showers and doorways are unobstructed by any object.

Chemical Safety

The vapours of many organic solvents are flammable or combustible. Thus, keep all the flammable objects in the flammable cabinet. Do not expose electric sparks, open flames or heating elements to the organic solvent vapours.

Moreover, many chemicals are poisonous, so avoid directly smell or taste the chemical. You can do so by fanning the vapours towards your nose, if necessary.

ductless fume hood

It is wise to never inhale dust or fine powders. You can use fume hood and personal protective equipment when necessary. Click here to know more.

You are also to be cautious and extremely careful when transferring, distilling or refluxing volatile liquids and don’t return used chemicals back into the chemical cabinet.

You also need to make sure that all the test tubes that containing reactions are pointed away from the people, especially when they are being heated.

First Aid

Chemical Spilled on the Skin Over a Large Area

When there is chemical spilt, remove all the contaminated clothing while using the safety shower to flush the chemical from the skin instantly. Continuously to flush the affected area with water for at least 20 minutes and do not use chemical neutralizers.

ibc pallet

Chemical Splashed into the Eyes

Quickly flood the eye at emergency eyewash with water to dilute and eliminate the chemical if splashed into the eyes. Hold the eyelids open to facilitate the process. Constantly flush the eyes for at least 20 minutes.

In addition, apply some clean dressings over both eyes and arrange for immediate medical aid, regardless of the severity of the injury.


On top of that, burns are the most common injury in the chemistry lab. There are generally of either the chemical or thermal type.

Hence, apply for the first aid for the burnt surface of the thermal type that involves immersing the burned part in the cool water or applying the ice pack to relieve the pain and prevent blistering or swelling.